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I’m a product designer currently working at Slack. I care deeply about the human side of technology and strive to build software that is useful, simple and fair.

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I’ve spent the last 8+ years building a beloved product now used by over 38 million people. At Slack, I advocate for the cognitive health of our users and build technology that adapts to their work life.

My practice is built around these values:

To create products that are useful, help humans flourish, and augment their capabilities.
To design experiences that are simple, purposeful, and bold.
To build technology that is unbiased, transparent, and humane.

Outside of work, my free time is filled with handmade projects. You can follow my process on instagram and even bring my artwork into your home.

I was born and raised in Peru and have spent half my life in beautiful California. A child at heart, I am optimistic about the future and believe the smallest of acts can make a difference.